Caterpillar Maintenance Specialists
Experience Matters
We have sourced, interviewed and recruited Caterpillar trained and Caterpillar Dealer trained Heavy Equipment Maintenance Specialists in many different countries around the world for deployment in Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Caledonia.
If your Cat 796AC truck needs a front hub repaired, then you will require specialist heavy equipment maintenance specialists that know the Caterpillar processes to follow, that understand the equipment they will work on and use to do the repair or change out.
And understand everything else that goes along with that to ensure an efficient and safe turn around and return your Cat 796AC truck back into service.
Machine downtime, safety, protection of the environment and cost.
These are just some of the major concerns, and it requires the right people doing their jobs properly to ensure peak performance in all areas.
Skilled Migration Group
Quality never goes out of style
Quality Matters
A fleet of Cat D10T2 dozers
It’s doubtful that many people would really know the true worth and value a fleet of Caterpillar D10T2 dozers could add to a mine or earth moving site!
But those in the know, well, they know!
How much material or product can a fleet of Cat D10T2 dozers push in an hour, in a week, in a year or before they require a rebuild.
It would be head shaking numbers in terms of Metric Tons or cubic meters.
So it’s true, probably not many people would be able to honestly understand the value a fleet of dozers.
Availability Matters
But one aspect everyone can understand is that if the dozers are not available to perform their tasks – then it quickly becomes very, very expensive.
Production targets can drift out, and the whole mining or earth moving cycle can quickly be disrupted.
And this brings with it a risk of not meeting contractual obligations.
Paramount to machine availability is the correct and specialist maintenance that Caterpillar Dealers provide on MARC sites and machine maintenance contracts.
We have been providing skilled Caterpillar Dealer trained and experienced Heavy Equipment Maintenance Specialists since 2008.
It’s part of our core business, the International Recruitment of Heavy Equipment Technicians and Mechanical Tradespeople.